Human Concerns
St. Joseph’s Human Concerns group coordinates much of the parish care for those in need. We meet on the first Thursday of the month from September thru June. The following is the list of all the activities we are involved in and a brief description of each.
If you are interested in helping in any of these activities, please fill out the form below and return the bottom section in the collection basket during Masses or give the parish office a call at 262-633-8284 and let them know. Thank you!
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry: Volunteers work a 2-hour shift (on a Tuesday or a Wednesday or a Thursday) during the months of February, April, June, August, October and December.
St. Patrick’s Meal Program: The 4th Thursday of January, March, May, July and September, St. Joseph’s provides salads and desserts to the St. Patrick’s meal program. Volunteers are also needed to work at the Meal Program.
Mitten Basket: A basket is placed in the back of church from November thru February, for parishioners to donate mittens, hats and scarves, etc. They are distributed to our school for families in need and the rest are donated to area schools in need.
Prayer Team: A contact list by e-mail or phone tree to pray when prayer requests come through. A Prayer Request box and slips are located in the back of church.
Right to Life Life Chain: On the first Sunday of October we stand on Hwy. 31 with provided signs to show our support for the unborn and opposition to abortion.
Mother’s Day Rose Sale: Mother’s Day weekend we sell long stem roses and the proceeds are donated to Right to Life organization in Racine. We prepare the roses on Saturday after am Mass and sell after all weekend Masses.
St. Monica’s Birthday Bingo: In May we bake and serve cakes/cookie bars for the May birthdays at St. Monica’s and assist in playing BINGO with the residents.
Baptismal Gowns: Embroider small gowns for Fr. Steve/Deacon Doug to use during baptism.
Welcome New Parishioners: We send a card to welcome new parishioners to the parish.
Food Basket Program: Food baskets are distributed at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter to the parish families in need of assistance.
Human Concerns Group
Name _______________________________________________ Phone_______________________________
Human Concern Activities I would like to participate in or get more information on: