Infant Baptism
This year has been a busy one for Baptisms at St. Joseph's Parish. This sacrament is celebrated by the entire parish community, so we can celebrate this joyous occasion with the family of the newly baptized.
Infant Baptisms
Our program prepares consistently-practicing, parishioner parents for the baptism of their child into the Catholic faith at St. Joseph Church. The one-session, baptismal-preparation class for parents of firstborn children is held on an individual basis in the Parish Center. Godparents are encouraged to attend, if possible. Parents are asked to call the Parish Office to begin registration for the class. Arrangements for the baptismal date are made by calling the Pastor. Baptisms are usually celebrated during either weekend Mass. Other arrangements can be made, when possible.
After attending a baptismal-preparation class for a first child, arrangements for baptism of additional children in the family are made simply by calling the Pastor, if not more than three years have elapsed since the class. Otherwise, please call the Parish Office, as the class needs to be repeated.
Coordinators: Amber Fay ................................................................262-633-9005
Pastor....................................................................... 262-633-8284