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St. Patrick Meal Program


For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me... 

In cooperation with other parishes, volunteers from St. Joe's reach out as Jesus directed, providing salads and baked goods and helping to serve those who come to dine at the St. Patrick Meal Program. 

The Human Concerns Group invites all parishoiners to join them by providing a salad and dessert to the St. patrick's/St. Joseph's Meal Program. Food is dropped off on the 4th Thursday of our scheduled months (January, March, May, July, September). If you are interested in providing food for the hungry in Racine, please call our coordinator, Kathy Sardino, 633-6231.

The food and workers are from St. Joseph's and St. Rita's

** Date: Fourth Thursday of January, March, May, July and September 

** Location: St. Patrick's McCarthy Hall

** Drop off food at St. Joseph Parish Center on the day of the meal from 9 am to 3:30 pm or St. Patrick’s from 1 pm to 4 pm.

To St. Joseph parishioners:

The Human Concerns Committee is providing plastic containers (these will be in the back of church for two weekends prior to the meal) with lids for your salad or dessert for the St. Patrick's meal. 

We are looking for:

** Cold salad (pasta, lettuce, fruit, etc.) and/or a dessert **

Feel free to take one or two containers. The filled containers can be returned to St. Joseph Parish Center the day of the meal from 9 am to 3:30 pm. Please wash containers before filling.

Please call St. Joseph Parish Office, 633-8284, with any questions. This program is sponsored by St. Joseph Human Concerns Committee and provides for 100-150 people. We really need your help.

Thank you for your generosity!!