First Holy Communion
Reception of First Communion takes place in grade 2 in both the School and Religious Education Program. Students are prepared during their normal class sessions. An orientation session is required for all families each year. One full year of religious instruction is required before entering the preparation for this sacrament.
At present, First Communion Mass is held the First Sunday of May. St. Joseph has traditionally celebrated First Communion on the first Sunday of May. In days gone by, this sacrament was celebrated at a separate liturgy in the afternoon. Now, first communicants receive Jesus for the first time during the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass with the rest of our parish family.
First communicants always look forward to making the hosts used on First Communion Day. This beloved tradition began when Pastor Erv Mogilka was searching around the church basement and found the iron used to make hosts. It is the same iron the religious sisters who worked in our parish used to make the hosts for the Masses. He also found the cutters and ever since we have been making the hosts with our first Communion students. This tradition has continued through three more pastors.