Marriage Preparation
Arrangements for all marriages must be made at least 6 months before the proposed wedding date. This is to allow time for the proper preparation of the couple in accord with the Common Policy for Marriage Preparation required by all Wisconsin Dioceses. The first step is to meet the pastor, who will explain in detail all the preparations needed to be done for a Catholic wedding. The 2nd step is attendance at a large group enrichment retreat day/program conducted by the Archdiocesan Office for Adult and Family Ministry. An Archdiocesan lay team makes this presentation with clergy. Pre-registration through Office of Adult and Family Ministry in Milwaukee is required. (A fee is charged.) The third step is to meet a FOCCUS couple who will facilitate open couple communication regarding family expectations, career goals, values held and models available. The fourth step is liturgical and canonical preparation for the wedding itself. These steps or their equivalents apply even if the wedding is to be celebrated in another parish, diocese, Christian or other church. Please call the pastor at the parish center.
Coordinator: Pastor........................................................................... 262-633-8284
Pre-Marriage Counseling
Several trained parish couples assist the pastor in ministry to those being readied for the Sacrament of Matrimony in the reviewing of the FOCCUS communication inventory with couples.
They are: John & Mary Jane Braun.......................................…262- 681-2723
Douglas & Catherine Gundlach.....................…....... 262-681-7335